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Chocolate Sorbet

Chocolate Sorbet

Brought to you by: Lactofree

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We all have those chocolate cravings that cannot be ignored. Lactofree community member Mia Botcher's easy Chocolate Sorbet recipe has only 4 ingredients and is so easy to make, you'll never be without a quick choc fix again!
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  • 2 cups Lactofree whole or semi-skimmed milk
  • 100g dairy-free dark chocolate or 100% cacao, broken into chunks
  • 100g sugar
  • 2 tsps instant coffee, optional


Step 1

In a small pan, heat the milk and sugar until it reaches boiling point.

Step 2

Remove from heat and add the chocolate and instant coffee, and stir until completely incorporated.

Step 3

Allow the mixture to cool down to room temperature.

Step 4

Transfer to ice cream machine and allow to run for about an hour, then transfer to a freezeable container and allow to freeze completely before serving.

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