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Beano Burger

Beano Burger

Brought to you by: OcadoLife
    8 serving

Prep time:

Cook time:

Serves: 8

Build your own beano burger in six steps, for a simple but satisfying dinner. Perfect for feeding large groups of greedy friends.
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  • 10 brown rolls
  • 1 jar vegan mayonnaise
  • 8 bean burgers
  • 200g chutney
  • 3 large tomatoes
  • 2 red onions
  • 1 fresh green lettuce head


Step 1

Cut the bread roll into half-length ways.

Step 2

Spread the vegan mayo, available from Ocado, on the bottom half of the bread roll.

Step 3

Place the bean burger on top of the roll base.

Step 4

Generously spread the chutney over the bean burger to add spice and texture.

Step 5

Place the tomato on top of the chutney, followed by the red onion on top of the tomato to create a colourful stack.

Step 6

Finish of the beano buger with lettuce and the top of the bread roll.

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