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  • Brands we love

Brands we love

Scroll down to discover our favourite brands flying the flag for waste reduction. They’re all committed to wasting less and making food more sustainable.

We love Rubies in the Rubble because they make their delicious relish from fresh fruit and veg that would otherwise be discarded.

We love Snact because they’ve been making deliciously sustainable snacks to tackle food waste since 2013.

We love Nush because the Sicilian almonds they use are kind to the environment as they require very little water to grow.

We love Wholegood because they celebrate 'ugly' fruit and veg instead of throwing it away.

We love Picard because they promote a waste-free policy through their progressive frozen food range.

We love Ella’s Kitchen because they are working towards being a 'zero waste to landfill' business.

We love Strong Roots because they make it easier to fill your freezer with healthy organic veg.