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Classic Negroni


Brought to you by: OcadoLife
    2 serving

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Serves: 2

Get into the Christmas spirit with something a bit fancier with this recipe from Michele Lombardi, a bartender from Italy and head mixologist at Quaglino’s in London. For a classic cocktail that is popular with the masses try an Italian aperitif. Bittersweet with a beautiful hue, this is a drink that both whets the appetite and pleases the eye. Give this cocktail recipe a go for an easy festive drink. Looking for more  or cocktail recipesgin cocktails? Look no further.
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  • 60ml London dry gin
  • 60ml Campari
  • 60ml sweet vermouth (red or rosso; we used Belsazar Red)
  • 1 handful orange peel, to garnish


Step 1

Divide the liquid ingredients equally between 2 rocks glasses (pour 30ml each of gin, Campari and vermouth into each glass).

Step 2

Add ice cubes to each glass and stir for a couple of mins until the outside of the glass becomes cold.

Step 3

Garnish each with a twist of orange peel.

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