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Apple Tarts

Apple Tarts

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    4 serving

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Serves: 4

A very easy recipe for children to help with, they'll enjoy rolling out the pastry - it doesn't need to be straight, wobbly is great.  Older children can peel the apples.  Once you've sliced the apple, children can have a great time making patterns with the apple slices on the pastry, painting the pastry with jam and sprinkling the sugar over.

These are lovely for a special breakfast, as a pudding or to take on picnics.  You can make mini versions for canapes. Eat them hot or cold.

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  • 200g fresh or frozen puff pastry
  • 2 eating apples
  • 1 tbsp apricot jam
  • 2 tbsp demerara sugar
  • 1 sprinkling plain flour


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 200c / gas mark 6.

Step 2

Roll out the pastry into round or rectangular shapes approximately 12cm x 9cm.

Step 3

Peel, halve and finely slice the apples.

Step 4

Warm the apricot jam in a small saucepan or heat in the microwave for 15 seconds.

Step 5

Lay the apple slices on the pastry shapes leaving 1cm around the edge, the apple slices can overlap but make sure you don't leave any gaps in the pastry in the middle.

Step 6

Paint the jam all over the apples and pastry then sprinkle with demerera sugar.

Step 7

Transfer to a greased baking tray and bake for 15-20 minutes until the apple has softened and the pastry is golden brown.

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