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Black Rye Bread

Black Rye Bread

Brought to you by: Doves Farm
    6 serving
2.0 1 ratings Review this recipe

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Serves: 6

Originating in Turkey, rye was extensively used during the Roman Empire to make rye bread.

Plain chocolate, treacle and a hint of caraway combine to create this unusually dark and very satisfying rye bread.
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  • 50g black treacle
  • 50g plain cooking chocolate
  • 150ml milk
  • 200g Doves Farm Organic Wholegrain Rye Flour
  • 300g Doves Farm Organic Strong White Bread Flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp Doves Farm Quick Yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp caraway seeds


Step 1

Over a low heat, gently dissolve the treacle and chocolate in the milk. Once dissolved remove from the heat.

Step 2

In a large bowl mix together the rye flour, strong white flour, salt, quick yeast and sugar.

Step 3

Mix in the water and cooled milk.

Step 4

Knead will until the dough feels smooth and pliable.

Step 5

Leave the dough covered with a tea towel, in a draught free place, for it to double in size. (This should take about an hour).

Step 6

Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead the dough firmly for several minutes.

Step 7

Form the dough into an even ball and roll it in the caraway seeds.

Step 8

Place on an oiled baking tray and leave to rise for 30 minutes.

Step 9

Bake in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes.

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