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Meringue and Mango Mess

Meringue and Mango Mess

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    4 serving

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Serves: 4


Use 200g (7oz) summer berries, such as raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and redcurrants, instead of the mango and passion fruit.

Cook's Notes

The longer you chill the desserts the softer the meringue will become, so don't refridgerate them for more than an hour if you'd like some crunch.


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  • 200ml double cream or whipping cream
  • 200g Greek yogurt
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar, or to taste, sifted
  • 4 ready-bought meringue nests, crushed
  • 1 medium mango, peeled and sliced
  • 2 passion fruit
  • 1 sprig fresh mint leaves, to decorate (optional)


Step 1

Place the cream in a large bowl and whisk lightly with an electric hand whisk until soft peaks form. Gently fold in the Greek yogurt and icing sugar, then fold in the meringue and mango. Divide the mixture between 4 serving glasses.

Step 2

Scoop out the flesh and seeds from the passion fruit, drizzle over each glass, then chill in the refrigerator for an hour. Decorate with mint leaves (if using), and serve.

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