Herby Potato and Rocket Salad Topped with a Boiled Egg

Herby Potato and Rocket Salad Topped with a Boiled Egg

Boiled eggs and potatoes are put to good use in this green and herby lunch.


  1. 1

    Put the sliced shallot in a small bowl and pour over the lemon juice. Season and set aside

  2. 2

    Boil the egg for 7-8 mins. Run under cold water to cool, then peel

  3. 3

    Mix the salsa verde with the mayo in a bowl and add the shallot mixture, followed by the potatoes. Toss to coat

  4. 4

    Cut the egg into halves or quarters

  5. 5

    Serve the potato salad on a bed of rocket and parsley with the egg on top. Season to taste


  • 1 shallot, finely sliced
  • ½ lemon, juiced
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp salsa verde
  • 2 tbsp mayo
  • 250g leftover potatoes
  • 1 handful rocket
  • 1 handful parsley, chopped

Serves 1

Total time required 15 mins

  • Preparation time: 5 mins
  • Cooking time: 10 mins

OcadoLife Recipe published with permission from OcadoLife magazine