Grilled Brioche, Dark Chocolate & Banana Sandwich

Grilled Brioche, Dark Chocolate & Banana Sandwich

Melted dark chocolate and fresh sliced bananas on sweet vanilla bread. Who said you can't have a sandwich for dessert?


  1. 1

    Sprinkle two slices of brioche with grated 70% dark chocolate (about 1tbsp between them). Divide the sliced banana between the slices of brioche. Sprinkle over the next 1tbsp grated dark chocolate and place two fresh brioche slices on top.

  2. 2

    Heat a large non-stick griddle or frying pan over a medium heat with a little butter. Place the assembled sandwiches in the pan and weigh down with a frying pan and a couple of tin cans.

  3. 3

    Cook for 1-2 mins each side or until golden and the chocolate has melted.

  4. 4

    Cut in half and serve with more grated or shaved chocolate and a nice glug of maple syrup over the top.


  • 4 slices brioche loaf, or challa loaf
  • 1 banana, diagonally sliced
  • 2 tbsp 70% dark chocolate, grated, plus extra to serve
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 knob butter

Serves 2

Total time required 10 mins

  • Preparation time: 8 mins
  • Cooking time: 2 mins

OcadoLife Recipe published with permission from OcadoLife magazine