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Chickpea Recipes

If you like beans and pulses and want to experiment more with them in the kitchen, check out our ingenious ways to use up this store cupboard staple. Chickpeas are an extremely versatile and nutritious legume, packed full of fibre, vitamins and minerals, as well as being a great source of plant-based protein. Also known as garbanzo beans or Bengal gram, they’re not just a side dish and make a great replacement for meat or other non-vegan ingredients, whether savoury or sweet. If you’re looking for chickpea recipes, why not try our delicious chickpea veggie burgers, venture into the realm of spiced chickpea salads, give our nutty easy chickpea curry a go for an easy flavour-packed family meal that’s ready in just 30 minutes, or try our smashed chickpeas with pitta for a taste of the Middle East.