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Duck Recipes

Tender and moist, duck is a meat that is enjoyed all over the world, but is especially popular in French and Chinese cooking. With pink flesh, duck has a stronger flavour than chicken or turkey. It also has fattier meat, this makes it juicier and, some would argue, tastier. The skin of the bird is often scoured to help the fat render (let the water evaporate). Our duck legs with plum sauce recipe is low in preparation time – once the duck is cooking, you just have to quickly run up the plum sauce. Duck is also popular in Persian cuisine, where it is often cooked with pomegranate. Try our duck breast with pomegranate and star anise sauce for a dish that’s tasty and quick to prepare. Any guide to duck recipes wouldn’t be complete without one using the whole bird. Try our roast duck with potatoes and charred pointed cabbage for a Sunday roast with a difference.