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  • Gluten-Free Baking Recipes

Gluten-Free Baking Recipes

Cake, glorious cake, we all love it. But if you can’t eat gluten, cake can become more challenging. Luckily, the situation is getting better all the time with an increasing number gluten-free recipes for cakes, bakes and tarts. We have recipes that use gluten-free flour and others that avoid wheat flours altogether. If you like bakewell tarts, then our cherry, almond and marzipan bakewell loaf will be ideal, created by traybake-supremo Rukmini Iyer, the cake is also a great way to use up marzipan left over from Christmas. A crumble is simple, but almost always a hit, and now you can make a gluten-free version with our plum and cardamom crumble tart. Finally, the almost 100 years old, the pineapple up-side down cake gets a modern – and spicy ginger – twist with our pineapple and ginger upside-down cake. Forget the gluten, enjoy the cake.