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  • Recipes
  • Gluten-Free Lunch Recipes

Gluten-Free Lunch Recipes

At lunch time you need a meal that will power you through the afternoon, but won’t take an age to prepare. We can help with plenty of delicious and nutritious recipes, if you need to avoid gluten. Why not start with our sweetcorn hash with soft-boiled eggs and crispy pancetta, it’s filled with veggies, but the flavour profile is broad, with the salty meat, garlic, herbs and paprika all jostling together on the plate. Our roast spring onion rarebit jacket potato is mostly classic baked potato, but with a quick to prepare, seasoned cheese topping. It includes spring onions in a nod to the Welsh national vegetable, the leek. Our clever falafel salad uses soaked rather than cooked chickpeas on a salad that is an absolute riot of flavour. There is such a thing as a gluten-free lunch, and one that tastes great too.