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  • Gluten-Free Vegan Recipes

Gluten-Free Vegan Recipes

Looking for vegan recipes that are also gluten-free? We can help, as we have plenty and they’ll appeal to all corners of the palate. The celeriac must be one of the strangest looking of all vegetables, but that’s alright because it tastes so good. Nena Foster’s celeriac steaks, miso mushrooms, bean mash and herb oil, combine its nutty, slightly sweet flavour with the umami of miso and mushrooms on a creamy bed of mashed beans. One of the most popular dishes from the South of France must be ratatouille, it’s a bonus that it’s so simple to make – most of the cooking time is just bubbling away on the hob. Our recipe for roast squash with tomato and chilli salsa makes great use of the butternut squash with a sweet, spicy, tangy sauce. So good, so gluten-free.