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Oat Recipes

Chewy, wholesome and gluten-free, oats help millions of people spring into action every morning after a steaming hot bowl of porridge. But you can use them in lots of different ways. There are many different approaches to porridge itself, from the most traditional version made with water and a sprinkling of salt on the top to any number of more jazzy versions. Our apple crumble porridge will be ready in just 15 minutes, but is a comforting, cinnamony, not to mention vegan way to start the day. Soaking breaks down the phytic acid found in the grain that reduces your body’s ability to absorb the nutrients in oats. Try our coconut overnight oats as they’re tasty, and most of the preparation happens the night before your morning rush. Oats also work very well in biscuits and, of course, flapjacks. Our apricot and pistachio flapjack are a sticky, fruit and nut wonder. Now go and get your oats.