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Pomegranate Recipes

One of the most distinctive looking – and reddest – fruit, the pomegranate is a popular ingredient in dishes from Spain to China. It’s taken a while to make its way to this corner of the planet, but now it’s fair to say that we love them. The first step is to figure out how to get the fruit out from the hard outer skin (the skin incidentally contains more antioxidants than the fruit). Probably the two easiest methods are to chop them in half and either use a wooden spoon to bash the seed out over a bowl, or break them apart in a bowl of water and the pith will float to the surface, while the seeds sink. If you want a fast, healthy meal with a Middle Eastern flavour, try our chicken kebabs with pomegranate rice. East Asian flavours are given a simple fried potato accompaniment in our duck breast with pomegranate and star anise sauce. Walnuts and pomegranate are often combined in Iranian food, and our charred aubergine with turmeric yoghurt, walnuts and pomegranate is delicious and only takes 20 minutes to put together. Tiddley pom, tiddley pomegranate.