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Sausage Recipes

Sausages are splendid. Versatile and tasty, they are the staple of the Full English, the Full Irish, and any fulsome meal. You can then add them to any number of recipes throughout the day, after all what’s the wurst it could be? Sausages are versatile for two reasons, firstly because they are found throughout the world and so have lots of different flavours. Secondly because you don’t have to eat them in sausage form, but can slice, chop or mash them as you wish. Take our chunky chorizo sausage rolls, they take the meat from famous Spanish sausage to jazz up a traditional British snack. We give an American classic an indulgent twist with fancy hot dogs, while our sausage and bean soup uses the sausage meat to create a thick, warming stew. Sausages!