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Smoothie Recipes

You’re in a rush and you’re hungry, a smoothie is the perfect remedy. Not only are they delicious, they only take moments to prepare. Some of our smoothie recipes take just one step to prepare ‘blend all ingredients until smooth’. Smoothies are popular as a breakfast, a light, but filling lunch, or as an energy drink. Many of our smoothies are vegan. Fresh, green and full of goodness, our green smoothie mixes avocado with cucumber, flax seeds (for omega-3 fatty acids), oats, coconut water and a squeeze of lime for a more savoury approach. Our refreshing berry smoothie is packed full of blueberries. The secret ingredient in our peach, spelt and agave smoothie is a frozen banana – it’s a clever way to save bananas that are getting towards the end of their lives and will make sure your drink is ice(d banana) cold. Get the blender out.