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Vegetarian BBQ

Vegetarian BBQs are a fantastic opportunity to get creative with food in the summer months. Gone are the days when planning a BBQ meant heading to the butchers. With a delicious range of vegetables, cheeses and spices from around the world, a vegetarian BBQ can be a flavour-packed feast complimented by the smokiness of the BBQ coals. Aubergine, cauliflower and padron peppers are all great options for throwing on the BBQ, as are wedges of halloumi or portobello mushrooms. For an ideal summer dish, pick this herby freekeh-stuffed aubergines with pistachio yoghurt recipe, or make these black bean burgers with sweet potato fries for a fantastic option the whole family will love. You can find everything you need for the ultimate vegetarian BBQ here, meaning less time getting prepared and more time in the sun!