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  • Recipes
  • Bacon and Egg Breakfast Muffins
Bacon and egg breakfast muffins

Bacon and Egg Breakfast Muffins

Brought to you by: Lisa Faulkner
    6 serving
5.0 3 ratings Review this recipe

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Serves: 6

Hello, breakfast of champions. This Bacon and Egg Breakfast Muffin recipe from Lisa Faulkner only takes about 15 minutes to make, and it’s made with a line-up of Ocado Own Range ingredients, so it’s really affordable. You’ll need a muffin tin to create the shape, then it’s all about layering. Cooking your egg in the oven is the trick to an easily transportable bacon and egg muffin. You should get the consistency of a boiled egg without having to take the shell off, and the cheese helps bind everything together. Add some spinach and avocado on the side for a healthy addition to your morning meal.
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  • 1 knob butter, for greasing
  • 6 Rashers streaky bacon
  • 1 slice bread, cut into 6 squares with crusts removed
  • 4 Cherry tomatoes, quartered
  • 3 Eggs, beaten
  • 1 handful grated cheese


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 200°C and grease the muffin tins. Line the moulds with a rasher of bacon, try and fully cover the base.

Step 2

Place the bread in the bottom over the bacon. Then add a few tomato quarters.

Step 3

Pour in the beaten eggs. Top with grated cheese.

Step 4

Bake for 10-12 mins. Remove from oven and wait to cool slightly before you tuck in!

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