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Cauliflower Recipes

Cauliflowers are trusty, reliable and very good value. The vegetable is also high in vitamin C and has moderately high levels of B vitamins and vitamin K. If you were wondering what to do with your cauliflower other than use it as a part of a meat (other proteins are available) and two veg, then look no further. You could start with our cauliflower cheese recipe, gooey and mildly crunchy – it’s a marriage made in culinary heaven and doesn’t take long either. The vegetable can be at the heart of a meal, as with our vegan cauliflower and sweet potato tacos, which are a terrific plant-based approach to a Mexican meal. If you’re having a barbecue, try the whole barbecue cauliflower with a smoky spice rub for a vegan centrepiece. Some call it cauliflower power.