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Courgette Recipes

Delicately flavoured with a soft, spongy texture, courgettes are delicious, but often work best with other, more robust, flavours and textures. They are one of those foods that originated in the Americas, but are now enjoyed across the world. As courgettes have a high water content, boiling them can turn them into a squidgy mess so we’d recommend grilling, frying or sautéing. If you’re looking for courgette recipes that aren’t side dishes, our courgette carbonara uses the latter method to add a mild vegetable taste to the classic carbonara sauce. Many of us love courgettes straight (uncooked), if you’re not sure try our courgette, salami and burrata salad with focaccia. It only takes 15 minutes to make, the perfect midweek meal, and most of that is probably grating the courgette. The final way to use courgette is to bake with it, as the high water content is an easy way to make your cake moist. Start with our wonderfully light courgette, orange and walnut layer cake.