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the image shows a red liquid, the bloody mary cocktail, in a tall glass, with crushed chillies around the rim, a celery stick and some tabasco in the background.

Bloody Mary

Brought to you by: MOB Kitchen
    4 serving

Prep time:

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Serves: 4

A Bloody Mary is a vodka cocktail containing tomato juice, and other spices and flavorings, and this perfect Bloody Mary recipe from MOB Kitchen, with the addition of pickled chillies and chilli flakes, takes the kick of heat to the next level. The original Bloody Mary is said to be invented in the 1920s or 30s in a bar in Paris, frequented by American writers such as Ernest Hemingway. Hot sauce makes this the perfect hangover cure, but we can neither confirm nor deny that. What we can confirm however, is this is a delicious cocktail. Looking for more cocktail recipes? Look no further.
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  • 100ml tomato juice
  • 35ml vodka
  • 1 pinch celery salt
  • 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 4 celery sticks
  • 4 pickled chillies
  • 1 few drops tabasco sauce
  • 1 tsp chilli flakes


Step 1

Pour the tomato juice, vodka, and Worcestershire sauce into a cocktail shaker.

Step 2

Add a pinch of celery salt, a few drops of tabasco sauce and salt and pepper.

Step 3

Add ice, then pour it from mixer to mixer six times - this is called rolling a cocktail.

Step 4

Pour the Bloody Mary into a tall glass, garnish with a celery stick, a pickled chilli and chilli flakes. Serve and enjoy. Cheers.

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