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Pumpkin and Apple Soup

Pumpkin and Apple Soup

Brought to you by: Soil Association
    6 serving

Prep time:

Cook time:

Serves: 6

This recipe comes from Jeanette Orrey who inspired Jamie Oliver's school dinner campaign and is now advisor to the Soil Association on improving school dinners.
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  • 60g unsalted butter
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 200g pumpkin flesh or butternut squash, diced
  • 2 apples, diced
  • 30g toasted pumpkin seeds, to garnish
  • 1.2 l cold vegetable stock or chicken stock


Step 1

Melt the butter in a large saucepan, add the onion, and cook very gently, stirring often, for 10 minutes or until soft. Do not let it brown. Add the pumpkin and apples and stir to coat well. Pour in 150ml of hot water, cover with a lid, and leave on a very, very low heat for 30 minutes, stirring from time to time. If the liquid evaporates, pour in a little more hot water. The vegetables and fruit should be very soft at the end of cooking.

Step 2

Stir in the stock, then blend the soup in batches. As each batch is done, pour it into a sieve set over a clean saucepan. Press the contents through with the back of a ladle, a wooden spoon, or a pestle.

Step 3

When all the soup has been sieved, reheat it very gently, then season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve garnished with the toasted pumpkin seeds.

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